Cuento en inglés "Un día en la playa" con preguntas y actividades.

Lee el siguiente cuento, identifica los verbos, responde las preguntas y elabora un glosario, con las palabras que desconozcas.

A Day at the Beach

Anna and her friends decided to spend a sunny Saturday at the beach. They packed their bags with towels, sunscreen, and snacks. Anna's mother drove them to the beach in the morning.

When they arrived, they quickly found a spot near the water. Anna and her friends spread their towels on the sand and put on sunscreen. They were excited to swim and play in the water.

After a while, Anna suggested they build a sandcastle. They used their hands and small shovels to create a big, beautiful sandcastle with towers and a moat. Everyone passing by admired their work.

At noon, they were hungry and took out their snacks. They had sandwiches, fruit, and cold drinks. They enjoyed their picnic under the warm sun.

Later, Anna and her friends decided to play a game of beach volleyball. They divided into two teams and had lots of fun running and jumping on the sand. Anna’s team won, but everyone was happy and laughing.

As the sun started to set, Anna’s mother called them. It was time to go home. They packed their bags, said goodbye to the beach, and promised to come back soon.

On the way home, Anna thought about the great day they had. She felt happy and tired. She knew she would remember this day for a long time.


  1. Where did Anna and her friends decide to go on a sunny Saturday?
  2. What did they pack in their bags for the trip?
  3. Who drove them to the beach?
  4. What did Anna and her friends build on the sand?
  5. What did they have for their picnic?
  6. What game did they play after their picnic?
  7. How did Anna feel on the way home?
