Cuento en inglés en presente simple y pasado simple, que incluye preguntas de comprensión.

Lee el siguiente cuento, identifica los verbos y subraya de rojo los que se esten en presente y de azul los que esten conjugados en pasado, responde las preguntas y elabora un glosario, con las palabras que desconozcas.

The Enchanted Forest

Every day, Emily walks through the forest near her house. The forest is beautiful and full of tall trees and colorful flowers. Emily loves to listen to the birds singing and the leaves rustling in the wind. She often sees squirrels and rabbits playing in the bushes.

Emily's favorite spot is a small clearing with a big oak tree. She sits under the tree and reads her favorite books. Sometimes, she brings a sketchbook and draws the scenery. Emily feels very happy and peaceful in the forest.

One day, Emily walked deeper into the forest than usual. She found a hidden path that led to a small, enchanted pond. The water in the pond was crystal clear and sparkled in the sunlight. Emily was amazed by its beauty.

As she sat by the pond, she saw a magical creature. It was a small, shimmering fairy with wings that glowed in different colors. The fairy smiled at Emily and told her stories about the enchanted forest. Emily listened carefully and felt like she was in a dream.

When it started to get dark, Emily said goodbye to the fairy and walked back home. She was excited to tell her family about her magical adventure. That night, she dreamed about the enchanted pond and the friendly fairy.


  1. Where does Emily walk every day?
  2. What does Emily love to listen to in the forest?
  3. What animals does she often see playing in the bushes?
  4. What is Emily's favorite spot in the forest?
  5. What does she sometimes bring to the forest besides books?
  6. What did Emily find when she walked deeper into the forest?
  7. How did the water in the pond look?
  8. What magical creature did Emily see by the pond?
  9. What did the fairy tell Emily?
  10. How did Emily feel about her adventure?
